Anti-corrosion systems

Customizable, repeatable, and reliable protection for at-risk metallic hardware

The Problem

The Cost of Corrosion

Whenever mechanical systems that are normally oil wetted are stored in an MRO facility for repair or overhaul they must be protected from corrosion. Typically this is a manual process that requires a maintenance tech to apply anti-corrosion fluid into the mechanical system. This introduces the possibility of irregular or missed applications due to human error. If a mechanical system begins to corrode, it must disassembled, cleaned, and then reassembled. This is a labor intensive process that increases costs and significantly disrupts the availability of critical systems.

Our Approach:

Building off Zulu Pod’s patented oil pod technology, we offer special solutions for corrosion protection for MRO facilities. The Anti-Corrosion ZPod will automatically deliver anti-corrosion fluids at customizable intervals for long-term storage or short term protection during overhauls.

The Anti-Corrosion Pod can provide significant labor and cost savings, incorporating innovative digital features like data monitoring of ambient temperature and humidity, mechanical acoustic frequency, pod fluid capacity, and analytics such as system failure thresholds and operating trends that equip maintainers with valuable knowledge to prevent system downtime and mechanical failures.

The AC Pod from Zulu Pods can be customized to deliver anti-corrosion fluid at a prescribed rate.

AC Pod from Zulu Pods

Anti Corrosion Systems Brochure

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